Resume Template Google Docs

Resume Template on Google Docs. If you are looking for resume template for you job application letter and that you are a google docs/drive lover, you can make use of the following Google Docs Resume template for free. Our Free Google Docs Templates come with different layouts, purposes, and styles. However, you can always modify them the way you like. You can alter the function of each resume template. For example, you find that the simple resume template is catchy, you can use it for other resume purposes like medical resume, and so on. Feel free to test and modify the way it suits your needs. You can browse the table of content below:

Resume Template On Google Docs

Table Of Contents
  1. Resume Template On Google Docs
  2. Simple Resume Template on Google Docs
  3. Resume Template Basic
  4. Nurse Resume Template on Google Docs
  5. Attractive Resume Template on Google Docs
  6. Professional Resume Template on Google Docs
  7. High School Resume Template on Google Docs
  8. College Resume Template on Google Docs
  9. Functional Resume Template Google Docs
  10. Teacher Resume Template Google Docs
  11. Engineer Resume Template On Google Docs
  12. Actor Resume Template On Google Docs
  13. Resume Template on Google Docs: Final Words

Simple Resume Template on Google Docs

Simple resume template design for those who loves simple yet practical and effective message delivery. The following simple resume layouts are provided for you who want to deliver the core value of the your capability and experience through a brief resume composition. Thus, the following resume samples are mostly white, clean, easy to read, and to the point. However, regardless their being simple, some accent colours make them stand out, offering fresh atmosphere that represent your working spirits. You can modify all the content in the template. Adjust it to what is necessary to bring your best capacity to the readers, attracting who the employer could benefit from your participation in the workplace.

Simple Clean Resume

Black and White Minimalistic Professional Cv Resume

Free simple resume template that you can count on. With clean layout for clarity and briefness.


IT Project Manager Resume

IT Project Manager Simple Resume Template

Simple resume template free download for you who like two column layout.


Graphic Designer Resume

Free simple work experience graphic designer

Simple word resume template with left column and circled photo. Change the wording suitable with your needs.


Junior Data Analyst Resume

Simple  Google Docs Junior Data Analyst

Blank simple resume template google docs version that you can copy to your google drive account. Coming with light green line to strengthen clarity.


Resume Template Basic

Not surprisingly, many people love to use Basic Resume Template. Why? Because resume template basic element is more than enough to impress the potential employer, at least as much as what they believe it to be super effective. However, like other types of design, these are just designs. You can always change the content based on what you want it to be there. The basic designs that are clean and simple can be used for various purposes. All you need to do is to alter the words.

Basic Resume with Cover Letter

White and Blue Clean Lines Sales Executive Basic

This basic resume template comes with example of cover letter. You can write your own cover letter by using the sample as a starting point.


Basic modern resume template

basic modern resume template

This basic modern resume template comes with big name on the left and is followed by a circled photo of yours. There is a light green block functioning as a separator from the main heading and the content.


Easy basic resume template

Academic easy basic

If you need the easy to edit one, use this basic resume template with two columns and photo.


Basic professional resume template

Basic professional

Professionals who live to use thick line to strengthen his/her discipline can use this basic professional resume template.


Nurse Resume Template on Google Docs

Nurse Resume Template on Google Docs in the following list come with various layout and purposes: Simple, Practitioner, Student Nurse, Registered Nurse. While they can be modified to various purposes, basically they are the same regular resume design. However, we tried to fit the theme by using specific colors that may bring the environment of medical situation into the resume. The nurse template in the first list is dominated by blue and white. These colors are expected to emit clean situation a medical setting could offer. The Nurse practitioner resume comes with brown to emphasise the professional presence of the nurse. The student Nurse comes with blue block heading with photo and its border to bring the nuance of academic medical setting. The last one is to strengthen that the Nurse is highly capable of doing her/his job as a registered nurse. Choose any design you like. You don’t have to stick with my description because individuals may have different point of view. Design is very subjective.

Nurse Resume Template Simple

Nurse Resume Template Simple

Nurse capability and experiences will be clearly exposed through this simple layout. The blue heading block tries to show how official it is. Easy to read layout with less distracting colors.


Nurse Practitioner Resume Template

Nurse Practitioner Resume Template

Half divided resume page with brown dominated color illustrates practitioner in medical field. The circled photo on the top right, with a welcoming smile of the person in the photo, portrays a character that is nurturing, caring, and responsible.


Student Nurse Resume Template

Student Nurse Resume Template

Being a student nurse, you may want to impress the employer that you are a creative yet discipline and highly educated nurse. Thus, this design will effectively show your professional development through your education background.


Registered Nurse Resume Template

Registered Nurse Resume Template Free

Registered Nurse need to show that she is capably of conducting several or multiple important job as a nurse. It has to show that one is officially registered to guarantee the employer.


Attractive Resume Template on Google Docs

In fact, some employers prefer attractive resume design. In a specific settings, workplaces, fields, and situations, a resume that looks attractive can effectively attract the attention of the employer. Thus, it brings the potential to be hired. If you are those who believe that a resume should look attractive and fancy, you may want to check the following options. Some comes with strong colors, and some with light colors but still offers high elegance.

The good thing about using an attractive resume design is that your resume will stand out, like saying me me me me, or “hei there.. I am here, look at me”. A HRD who likes colourful things will easily be attracted, and that person in charge will pick your resume first because it has offered positive impression in the beginning. From there, your resume content will be noticed, read through, and possibly considered for hiring.

Attractive Resume Red

Attractive Resume Template College Photographer Red

This attractive design uses the power of red and white, and a little accent of black. I believe these three colors combination will work fantastically in driving the reader attention to read though your biography, educational backgrounds, and other experiences to support your capability and capacity.


Attractive Academic Resume

Attractive Academic Resume

This attractive academic curriculum vitae comes with light teal blue background on the left column. This background is align with the background color of the photo. While most academic resume tend to be plain, this layout tries to offer attractiveness in a way that is not too much. It contains sub headings telling common academic profile like awards and scholarships, publications, research, lecturer, and other related aspects of academic career.


Attractive Designer Resume

Attractive Designer Resume

Replace the profile photo in this resume with your best one. The golden circle in the middle contains a greeting. It resembles that you are ready to work with others. You are confident. Your name is written in an elegant font and bold. Unlike other two column layouts, this one is justified in the center, bringing uncommonly looking resume, attractive.


Attractive Babysitter Resume

Attractive Babysitter Resume

Day care is mostly full of colourful items. However, a more calm colors like light purple, light green, and light blue as organised in the above resume design shows more affection by the babysitter. The profile of a baby sitter shines of her caring, careful, loving, and professional personality.


Professional Resume Template on Google Docs

The term professional is expressed differently across field of expertise. The following resume design tries to offer you with selected professions and theme like those who are well experienced in his/her field of work. Some may choose simplicity as professional, and others may prefer more robust elements to be judged as professional. Whether you are a professional writer, business man, marketing agent, web designer, engineer, IT professional, and the professionals, you may consider using the following options.

Experienced Professional Resume

Experienced Professional Resume

This browny design starts with a picture of a lady expressing confidence. Right after the bold name, it says her profession is a copywriter and brand strategist. If you are a person working in similar field as that one, you may want to use this instead.


Simple Professional Resume

Simple Professional

As the name suggest, this professional resume is called simple. You actually can use the simple design offered in the earlier section, but this one under the professional category is designed to bring more power on exposing your professional insight. To some people, simplicity means focus, to the point, less diversion, and ready to achieve the target.


IT Professional Resume

IT Professional

I have seen a lot of IT professional using common design similar to this one. It would come with a circled photo on the top left. The name is written bold in two colors. The two column above would be for the heading in the left, and the content on the right. Work in IT requires high detail, especially when working with codes. Thus, having a cv that is more like simple than ample or distracting components is not common to IT specialist.


Business Professional Resume

Business Professional Resume

Those working in business sector need to be open minded. To support this welcoming personality, yellow is the most representative color. Thus, having a resume dominated with yellow means you are a business professional who is ready to meet, work, collaborate, and persuade other people, especially prospective customers to make a great business deal.


High School Resume Template on Google Docs

High school settings are surrounded by various personals, teachers, school officers, students, and others. A high school teacher need to present himself/herself as a professional teacher and thus his/her resume should the way it is supposed to be too. The followings are some samples of resume that is more concentrated on high school settings. The first one is named simple because it uses only three colors and are arranged very rigidly. The photo is presented in a grey scale mode, enhancing that he/she is more concerned on his profession rather than exposing his/her personality. The next one comes with vivid color, telling how a welcoming personality is a wonderful asset for educational purposes. The last one is for a high school graduate students who want to expose his/her experience during his/her education pursue.

High School Simple Resume

High school English Teacher Resume

Simple high school teacher resume that enhances the importance of professionalism rather than exposing personal character.


High School Teacher

High School Pre School Teacher Resume

This professional profile page is for those who are confident enough for exposing his/her characteristics, skills, capability, and achievement in a vivid way.


High School Simple

High School Resume Template Google Docs

If you are a rather introvert person, using this plain design is arguably suggested. This emphasis that you are ready to help others no matter what. You want to be a helpful person. You don’t want to be acknowledged. You just want to be useful.


High School Graduate

High School Student Graduate Resume Example

This black and white resume is presented with a big photo of a high school graduate. The photo is on the right, this position is intended to emphasise that he/she is a fresh graduate but having high confidence regardless of less experience.


College Resume Template on Google Docs

When it comes to college or university settings, the resume profile would be around the lecturer, college students, researcher, and other specific profession that is more on specialties rather than commonalities. A lecturer or a professor in a college or university is usually also a researcher. While teaching in a college, the lecturer also conducts research in his/her focused on field of interest. Thus, having a resume of his/her academic achievement is necessary.

Clean College Resume

College School Graduate Resume

This blue and white simple resume layout is actually designed for a high school graduate. However, looking at the sub headings, this is also suitable for presenting the profile of a college graduate.


Law Student College Resume

Law Student College

This law student resume profile page comes with officially looking header that is dominated by blue greenish color. The name is written in a big size covering almost all space of the heading. Under the name is the profession. It says, Law student.


College Scientist Resume

College Scientist

If you are a researcher in a specific field, and you want to expand your collaboration through participating or inviting others to join your research, you may want to outline your research article in the corner section of this resume layout.


College Academic Resume

College Academic

Similar to the previous one, this one also shows the specialty in a specific field of study. This one is in psychology. The photo is put in a circle on the left. It is aligned with the first column that is presented in the combination of black and brown.


Functional Resume Template Google Docs

While functional resume type tends to emphasise on the number of skills or skillset someone possesses or achieved, it is still essential to mention other personal exposure in the resume. The following functional resume layout is intended to range both skills and other achievements and personal developments.

Simple Functional

Functional Resume Simple

This functional resume example comes in two columns in which the photo is positioned on the top right. The content sample shows various skills mastered by the profile.


Functional References

Functional References

This functional resume sample comes with timeline of specific achievement. You can adjust the type of the achievement.


Creative Clean Functional

Clean Functional

This creative and functional resume page display the skill development of a personal in a progress bar. You can edit the progress bar to indicate the level of each skill.


Functional Resume Pages

Functional for Pages

Similar to the creative one, this functional resume layout is arranged in such a way to be able to provide more text and information to expose more about the profile in a rigid and succinct way.


Teacher Resume Template Google Docs

All teachers should promote their professional profile as a teacher. While most teachers do not need to seek for jobs as they are already having a job as teachers, having a profile page in a beautiful yet professional resume is still necessary in case there is a special event and occasion that requires the teachers to share their profile page. For example, in a seminar, or similar academic meeting and events, when becoming the key note speaker, the committee often request for the speaker’s resume so that the committee can read it during the opening of the event for the audience. The following teacher themed resume examples will surely provide you with satisfying and confidence-making resume page. Select one that match your preference. If you are not interested in the given color, but you love the layout, then you can adjust the color the way you wish.

Highschool Teacher Resume

Highschool Teacher Resume

This teacher resume layout is designed in black and white, a very simple but elegant composition. The original sample is for history teacher, but the usage is unlimited. It can be for every teacher.


Preschool Teacher Resume

Preschool Teacher Resume

This preschool resume template comes with bright green that is more like teal. The photo is surrounded by a thick yellow and a bit orang border. The color of teal green and orange really match and supports one another. While this is initially for preschool or kindergarten teacher, math teacher of elementary school or the next level can also use it.


Teacher Assistant Resume

Teacher Assistant Resume Template

This read dominated teacher resume page is really elegant. It shows determination, curiosity, and endurance. The bold and strong name on top in red really makes the name stands out. This was designed for English teacher, but the actual usage can be for teachers for any subject.


Professional Teacher Resume

Professional Teacher Resume Template

The combination of pink, purple, and light brown in this professional teacher resume is no doubt strongly represents the professionalism the profile shows through this printable professional resume example. It Represents teaching experience of the profile.


Engineer Resume Template On Google Docs

The following engineer focused resume example can be used by: software engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, chemical engineer, civil engineer, audio engineer, computer engineer, network engineer, system engineer, professional engineer, entry level engineer, design engineer, data engineer, industrial engineer, experienced engineer, IT engineer, petroleum engineer, and many other types of engineers.

Chemical Engineer Resume

Chemical Engineer Resume

Chemical engineer resume sample with two columns and strong background color.


Software Engineer Resume

Software Engineer

This white and clean IT engineer resume template can be used any engineer who mostly work with codes and programming languages.


Civil Engineer Resume

Civil Engineer Resume

This yellow black white resume sample page is designed for civil engineer profile. Put your photo with your working cap/hat to show that you are an experienced civil engineer.


Mechanical & Electrical Engineer

Mechanical and Electrical Engineer

This engineering focused resume sample can be altered to any type of engineering field. Modify it as needed.


Actor Resume Template On Google Docs

Actors also need to display their professional achievement in resume page. The following actors resume page is actually similar to any other type of resume sample page, but some position like photos are enhanced to bring the powerful character that can be personified by the profile. Whether you are already a famous actor, or one who just started a career in the entertainment world, having prepared with your personal professional resume is a good prevention to start early.

Film Actress Resume

actor resume template stage film actress

This brown simple film actress resume is combined with light blue. The combination is already suitable. Thus, I suggest, if you decided to use this template, please make sure that your photo is also using blue Shirt.


Artistic Director

actor artistic director

For those who are working behind the scenes, like those of artistic directors, you may consider using this white and black resume page instead. This indicates that you don’t have to appear in the front line, but you are really responsible of the essential traits of every show you bring.


Black Blue Actor Resume

Actor black blue

This black and blue actor resume sample is suitable for those who just started a career in the multimedia world in which entertainment is the main course to deliver.


Standup Comedian

Actor Standup Comedian Resume Template

This orange actor resume layout is for those who choose a career as a standup comedian. If you use this resume sample, it is suggested that you also take photo with orang cap, and orang shirt.


Resume Template on Google Docs: Final Words

We have archived the above resume template on google docs. Hopefully they make your job easier, especially when it comes to resume writing.

Aliv Faizal M
Aliv Faizal M

I am a teacher who loves to use technology. I like to design templates in Google Docs, Google Slides, Powerpoint, Word, CorelDraw, etc.

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