The Google Docs Menu Templates presented on this page have been collected from various designs and layouts, curated from different sources and modified in such a way to bring unique yet functional menu templates.
The menu templates come in various extensions including Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Google Slides, PowerPoint and some in Google Sheet or Microsoft Excel.
The best part about all of these templates is that they can be printed, filled in, downloaded, edited, customised and most of all, they are all free and non-credited.
Before copying the template file, please make sure that you have logged in to your Google account. To learn more, please read: How to make a copy of a file in Google Drive
Google Docs Menu Template in Various Types
Menu templates Google Docs provides in the Google Drive template repository may not be the menu template you are actually looking for.
If the menu template google docs provide happens to be the one you are looking for, and that you are interested in using it, go for it. However, if the menu template does not impress you, you can observe some free menu templates google docs here in this section.
Google Docs Restaurant Menu Template
Every time you go into a restaurant, you will be given a menu, which is a list of all the food and drink that the restaurant has on offer. The menu includes photos of the dishes, brief descriptions and prices. What if you were the owner of a restaurant? Would you like to be able to offer your customers all the dishes in your restaurant?
You will certainly want to provide them with the best possible menu page that you can make. You will want to make sure that the menu looks as interesting as possible. In this case, you may want to imagine what kind of layout and look would be suitable for your restaurant menu. However, especially if you are not a graphic designer, designing a menu layout is not that easy.
Well, do not worry about it! You can count on the restaurant menu templates we have prepared for you. Besides, you don’t need a restaurant menu maker and you don’t need to know how to create a restaurant menu. Here you will find the restaurant menu designs so that you will have good templates for a restaurant menu and be ready to create a restaurant menu:

Cocktail Menu Google Docs Template
Suitable for smoky nightclubs, summer cafes, restaurants and alfresco terraces, the tropical party theme of the menu. Strong shots and non-alcoholic cocktails are depicted in hand-drawn graphics. The primary menu, with drink names, pricing and ingredients, plus the front and back cover, is arranged on 4 pages. Use the restaurant’s logo, name and other contact information, fonts and their style, a corporate colour scheme, patterns and more to fully customise the layout. Add your own distinctive flair to complete the layout! Create a small- or large-format template with your own specifics. Get your layout ready for publication in days!

Google Docs Restaurant Menu Template Two Columns
The background colour of this restaurant menu template is set to green. This certainly goes against what I have been thinking so far, that green is not appropriate for this subject. However, I must admit that using green as a background colour for food dominated by orange, brown, red and cream is fine. The page is essentially split into two columns, top and bottom. Photos of foods in top colors are placed on left and second photos on right.
Although placing all the photos in the same position, whether both on the left or both on the right, is fine, placing them alternately gives more variation to the balance. However, you need to be aware and careful that placing the images alternately, one on the left and the other on the other position, will cause confusion. The reader might assume that the text description at the bottom of the first picture is part of that picture.

Google Docs Restaurant Menu Template: Modern
This Google Docs restaurant menu template is mainly in two colours: dark brown and brownish grey. It comes with garnish decoration in every corner. The image of tomato and celery brings the delicacy of the food. As you can see in the menu page template, there is a photo of a beef steak. However, it does not mean that this template only shows beef steak, you can also use it to promote any other type of food in your restaurant.
The main course list includes peanut pancakes, poached onions, roasted cucumber, fruit salad, banana bread and avocado snapper. In the right-hand column is a list of starters. It includes: salt baked beef, crab cakes, roast chicken and so on. You can change the contents of the list to your liking. This just gives you the idea that you can advertise as many types of food as you like.

Beef Steak Restaurant Menu Template
This is a bit different from the previous restaurant menu template. This one starts with a super large photo of a beef steak. Again, although this template comes with a beef steak image, you can replace it with your own dish photo. Make sure it is a very good photo.
You may want to hire a professional food photographer to help you take the best picture of your food. It is true that a professional photographer can bring the delicacy of a food to life. If you are not a person with decent photography skills, believe me, you need to hire one.
In the middle of the page is the restaurant’s name and logo, followed by the large text ‘special steak’. Finally, the bottom part is for promoting your business through social media contacts and your website, if you have one.

Retro Fast Food Restaurant Menu Template
This restaurant menu template is called Retro because it uses retro centric colours. It comes with an elegant and uncluttered layout with three columns. Just below the large header text, there is a thick brown background box that says “Open Daily”. You can replace the restaurant’s opening times with your own text. If you wanted to, you could write your own slogan in there. This thick line is also used for the headline and content sections.
The first menu area is for the special menu. As such, it dominates the preliminary area as an introductory section. To the right is an image representing the special menu. As you can see, the image is not a real photograph. It is a cartoon version of lasagne. I know that you might have to go to more effort to get this kind of image. So you can use any png image with a transparent background.

Elegant Restaurant Menu Template
I am really impressed by this menu template. In fact, the designer did not call it an Elegant Restaurant Template, but I did. This menu template is divided into three columns with a large header in the top centre. The headline “Menu” uses a font like Times New Roman. This makes it look like a newspaper.
You could call it a newspaper style menu template because it looks like a newspaper page. The background colour is brownish creamy grey. The subheading, which shows the food category, uses a gold colour with a capital letter. The gold colour for the subheading really matches the background. I love this menu template so much. It is so stylish, elegant and impressive.

Restaurant Delicious Menu
This restaurant menu template may not be the best and the most beautiful out there, but it serves clarity. The header goes on top left with vibrant color. The big image of the most favourite menu lies on right top, covered with thick circular border.
The food variants to serve are arranged in four modules/boxes. The template suggest naming the boxes with Main course, Beverages, Drink, and another main course. Of course, this is just an example. You can edit it and adjust it to your need.
Three images in smaller scale lie on the right side near the food list. You can exhibit your other great food three. Don’t forget to use appetising photo to attract your consumers.
Catering Menu Template Google Docs
There are so many kinds of food business out there, and one of them is catering. Running a catering business requires high dedication especially on serving quality food loved by anyone who pot his/her trust by ordering food offered by the catering business owner. It goes without saying that a catering business must be able to offer various kinds of food to make sure that the prospective consumers have a number of food menu selections.
If you are a catering business owner, you will want to expose all of your food variants to the prospective customers. You want to make sure that the menu looks elegant, and interesting enough for the customer to try. These catering menu templates are made in google docs, and when it comes to google docs or google drive, the easiest framework to use to edit template is google slides rather than google docs. Without further explanation, here are our catering menu templates google docs based that you can select and edit further:

Colorful Catering Menu
Sometimes, catering menu page that displays a number of food choices by the catering business owner does not necessarily represent the main course. For example, a catering business focusing on grill cuisines does not have to use a specific design that resembles the overall colors usually used to present grill based cuisines. In fact, there is no rules about it.
However, for most business owner, it is imperative to keep the color theme suitable with the main course offered. This colorful template, at a glance, does not look like that it is suitable for grill based cuisines, but is more like for drinks because it is in colourful mode. If we use general approach, this colourful menu template is far from being appropriate for grill based food. But again, there is no rule. You can use this template for nearly any kind of cuisine. Besides, the color can be changed to any color you think suitable to the main theme of your catering.

Simple Blue Catering Menu
Simple Blue Catering Menu template that you are seeing right now is commonly found out there. Many catering business owner use this kind of simple menu template. The flowers are just ornament that decorates the page, and the job is very simple, to make the page not that silent.
The best thing about this simple blue catering menu is that it focuses on exposing all the food variants to offer to the prospective customers. The business owner may be an already well known catering owner, and his/her food products are mostly delicious, so she/he does not bother on the look of the menu page. All he/she wants to show is the collection of his/her cuisine masterpieces.

Flat Catering Menu
This orange catering menu page template is another simple yet robust food display. The catering must have been famous so far, so it does not need any kind of fancy advertising efforts through fancy images surrounding the menu page. Hence, it focuses on one thing, the complete food list.
The color of orange resembles the theme of the catering business. If you don’t like the orange color to dominate the page, you can change it to any color you want. However, you have to maintain the contrast between the text color and the page background color.
If the background color is set to dark colors, use bright color for the text. Similarly, if the background color is bright, like yellow, white, etc, use dark color for the text.
The symbol of fork and spoon on top right corner means the catering focuses on food, not drinks. You can change the icon with any icon that represents your catering business.
Dinner Menu Template Google Docs
Dinner, for many people, is a special moment in which food served in dinner is expected to bring marvellous and enjoyable moment to color the nights with love. Dinner is for every one, for any celebration, sacred, love, and so on. Dinner is for personal, for friends coming together to a cafe or restaurant, for a small family, for a big family with so many relatives, for a team working together in a project, and for any other communal gatherings that want to live the night through dinner with special food.
Considering that many kinds of need of special dinner, some particular cafe or restaurant specifically serve for dinner. Thus, it is important to have a fancy, elegant, cool looking dinner menu page, and trust me, when it comes to making dinner menu template, you will want to use dinner menu template instead of making it on your own from scratch. To make the job of creating dinner menu book easier and faster, use our dinner menu templates google docs here:

Japanese Food Menu Google Docs Template
Japan has a variety of culinary presentations, and the most are exquisitely presented. You could think of sushi, bento, sashimi, and so on while discussing Japanese food. Additionally, most Japanese meals are served with police sticks rather of spoons and forks.
The Japanese dinner menu template we offer has the dish descriptions on the right and the food photographs on the left. In actuality, the menu page has three columns.
You may replace the restaurant’s logo at the top with one of your own.
The color scheme is one area in which you should pay close attention. The balance of the colors used on the page must be maintained.

Seafood Dinner Menu Template
The dinner themed menu template begins with the dark one, and the tittle is seafood dinner menu template. Seafood is the food type mostly served for special dinner. Dinner is identical to night atmosphere, so the dinner menu template is dominated with dark color to resemble the dark at night.
This dinner menu template is divided into two columns unequally. This is because we want the text for the menu name, description, and price to have more space. The photo of the representative food servings is on the left.
The number of the images in the page is only three. If you want to display more images, you can make the image smaller, but be careful with balance of the layout. If you don’t want to risk the layout structure, just use three pictures of all your food variants. Make sure you just use the best three ones that represent all categories.

Thanksgiving Dinner Menu
Thanksgiving is another most waited day by all Americans. Thanksgiving day is highly related to food and party, especially pie and turkey chicken. In addition the color mostly used for this theme is brown and orange.
If your restaurant offers event based food like that during the thanksgiving, you can use this thanksgiving dinner menu template. You can change the image of the food for the appetiser, main course, and desert with the photo of the food you offer.

Japanese Dinner Menu
Japan offers various presentation of cuisine, and most of them are exposed beautifully. When talking about Japanese cuisine, you may recall sushi, bento, sashimi, and the list goes on. In addition, you will not see spoon and fork in most Japanese food serving, they use cop sticks.
The Japanese dinner menu template that we provide arranges the food images on the left while the text for the foods are on the right. It is actually three column menu page.
The restaurant logo is on top, and you can change that with yours.
One thing that you need to pay attention is the color palette. You have to keep the balance among the colors used in the page.
Lunch Menu Templates
Like dinner, and any other time to eat moment, lunch brings special timing for those who are already tired and exhausted of working from morning. Hence, food and drinks served in lunch have a specific power to boost the mood and to relax and refresh the spirits at noon. In the middle of the day, when the is shining so brightly and warmly, people tend to want to drink more.
Moreover, when it feels so hot, and you are sweating a lot, you want to refresh yourself. There, you would come to a nearby restaurant or cafe to look for lunch. If you are running a cafe business, and your consumers are mostly workers who need lunch, you have to able to exhibit your lunch menu in such a way that can tell the potential consumers the freshness offered through our lunch menu page.
The lunch menu templates that we have prepared are intended to bring the freshness it can offer through a lunch menu page. Choose one of them, change the photo of the food and beverages with your own food and drinks to offer, and change all the names of the food and menu, and any other text. Using any of these lunch menu templates, you will be able to focus on creating food and drinks that can relieve the day.

Simple Lunch Menu Template
This lunch menu template is not limited to repeated lunch schedule like lunch menu offered for daycare lunch service or for school reqular lunch menu. This is for a small restaurant or cafe that specifically offers lunch menu. We provide lunch menu template for homeschool, office lunch menu, weekly lunch menu, monthly lunch menu in other sections.
This menu template is for general purposes. At a glance, this menu template looks like a blank menu template that is editable and customizable. You can edit this template to display many kinds of lunch menu like lunch box, sandwich, and so on. This template is downloadable. You can adjust to a specific theme like christmas simply by adding decorations that resemble christmas. Once you add more decorations, this will look fancy.

Super Fresh Lunch Menu Template
The Super Fresh lunch menu template is actually a plain layout added with top and bottom decoration. The green leaf makes it look fresh. By the first impression, it certainly focuses on serving drinks and snacks. If you like simple design, this one may interest you.
If you like other kinds of decoration other than leaf, you can change it. You can replace it, for example, with strawberries. The color combination between strawberries that are dominated by red the the background color of the page that is creamy yellow is suitable.

Summer Drink Menu Template
If you have a cafe, and you cafe mainly serves fresh drinks, this summer drink menu really nail it. To use this template, you need to prepare some photos of the drinks that your cafe or restaurant serves. Arrange each photo accordingly, write the name of each drink right on top of the photo.
The background image used in this menu template is limes. This is because lime is identical to anything refreshing. However, you can always change it with any fruit photo you want, like for example melons, or if you don’t want to put image of fruits as the background, you can put a image of a big leaf with water sprinkling around to indicate freshness.
Breakfast Menu Templates
Breakfast is crucial to support those who want to start the day with energetic feelings and prepare for the hard work load to come until the lunch time comes. Biologically, a body needs enough calorie and other nutrients to keep healthy. Thus, breakfast is essential.
However, in fact, not many people have enough time to prepare for his/her breakfast, and the choose to find a nearby cafe or restaurant that serve breakfast menu. As a result, knowing this situation, some restaurants and cafes specifically offer breakfast menu.
As a restaurant or a cafe that offers breakfast menu, you need to show them all your breakfast menu. If you can, and if you have enough time, you can structure and layout your own breakfast menu page, but if you don’t you can make use of our collection of breakfast menu templates.

Breakfast Menu Template Blue Yellow
This breakfast menu template comes with a meal generally serves in almost every country in the world, fried egg. If you look closer, you will also see a slice of cheese and also pie.
The header greats you with text “Good Morning”. However, you can change it with the name of your cafe or restaurant name.
Although the images spread around the page, they don’t distract the main information because the menu list is wrapped in a white background box surrounded with thick blue border. The border strengthen the area of the menu list.

Daily Breakfast Menu Template
This daily breakfast menu template comes with two columns. The left column is wider than the right one. The left column displays the food to offer, including the price. The right column shows you the big picture of the best meal served in the cafe.
The photo used in this daily breakfast menu template is a plate of waffle with blue berries and cream. A beautiful hand is hovering the plate, taking the waffle for a bite.
You can change the photo of this template with the photo that you prepare. Although basically you can put any photo, it is a good idea to have similar photo to this one. What I mean by similar photo is that you include a hand grabbing the meal.

Simple Breakfast Cafe Menu Template
Some cafe owners do not like to have fancy food menu, especially the food menu that is crowd of images of the meal. Therefore, I try to provide a daily breakfast meal that is simple and clean. The only color that strengthen the heading and the sub heading is pale blue. Like the other color, you can always change the color to the color you need.
If you don’t like a simple menu layout, and you want it to be colorful, you can add more colors to this template. Once you add more colors, the look will be much different. Let’s say, you put rainbow colors in it, it will become a playful menu template, a menu template suitable for serving in a kindergarten canteen.
Fancy Menu Templates Google Docs
Sometimes, whatever the food and beverages you offer in your restaurant, canteen, or cafe, you want to show all your food variants in a menu that looks fancy. This maybe because you like fancy design and colourful pages, and you also want your menu page to be fancy and colourful.
Another possibility is that you may serve food for kids in a school canteen in which students or pupils tend to love colourful designs.
Fancy menu templates google docs offers in google drive may not be the one you desire, but our curated fancy menu templates that we provide here may be what you fancy most. We designed these fancy menu templates by considering some themes like joyful, cheerful, and children and kids based menu templates.

Pizza Fancy Menu Template
The first fancy menu template that falls to this category is the pizza fancy menu template. The nature of pizza is already fancy. It comes with so many colors from various ingredients.
This fast food menu template, as what is stated in the heading, comes with yellow and white colors. This is because the background is black, so to make it contrast, the yellow and white color come the best.
The decoration for each sub heading, for the text “pizza, burger, drink, and delivery” is like a paint brush.

Clean Fancy Menu Template
I really love this fancy menu template. Although the term fancy is usually related to messy design, this one looks very rigid and tidy.
The four meals located in the upper box must be the meal that is super delicious offered by the restaurant.
The drinks are listed in the right bottom. It states that the restaurant offers food delivery service. Thus, the restaurant put the contact information for ordering.

Bakery Fancy Menu Template
This fancy menu template focuses on exposing the delicacy offered by a bakery store. Thus, the photos mostly appearing in this menu template are cakes, brownies, and the likes.
The special menu is surrounded with a thick line but with a bit transparent color. This border wraps the special menu that is expected to be the centre of attention.
Like the previous menu template, this one comes with a special box in the left corner, the delivery service information.
Cafe Menu Template
Cafe is another place to stay relax at almost any time like breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, dinner in the afternoon, or event supper at night. Many people spend such a long time sitting in a cafe for various purposes: working, chatting, or event just waiting.
Food and drinks served in the cafe are usually presented in a cafe menu comes in different designs. The formats and the style of the menu page is influenced by various theme. A cafe owner may hire a professional designer to make the menu page, but if he/she runs a small cafe and she/he does not have enough funding to pay the professional designer, she/he may want to create the menu book him/herself.
However, designing menu page is not for everyone. In fact, it requires a specific set of design skills.
Our cafe menu templates may come handy for you who want to create menu book fast. You can edit the cafe menu template in famous editor like google slides in google docs or google drive, or you can use the paid one; the powerpoint or Microsoft words in Microsoft office.
Choose any you like, start editing, and you can print it right away or share through the social media of your cafe in which most of your loyal customers stay tuned in there. It is a good thing that many people are connected to the social media account of a cafe as they can receive any new update about the food offered in the cafe.
Use your time efficiently and effectively, just use our ready to use cafe menu templates:

Fast Food Cafe Menu Template
Fast food is usually related to cheese, and the color that strongly represents cheese is yellowish orange.
The layout is basically in two columns. The left column is for the food list while the right one is for the photos / images of the fast food variants, like French fries, burger, fried chicken, hot dog, taco, and so on.
Running a fast food cafe / truck with lots of fast food variants? Use this template to make the job of listing food menu fast, and you can expose them all to your customers.

Coffee Simple Cafe Menu Template
This coffee simple cafe menu template is really simple. A cafe that serves specifically for those who want to relax with some drinks like coffee, this template comes the best.
The background is like a latte milk poured in a coffee cup. I think this color is really suitable, and it is not easily altered, but if you really want to alter it, I think the most probable one is white.

Black and White Chalk Cafe Menu Template
You must have seen this kind of picture a lot before. Yes, when you are in a cafe, you will most likely to see a board, a chalk board with list of food and drink menu that is written using chalk with about three colors.
Some images of the food and drinks are saved in png, with transparent background. You can take some photos of your meal in your cafe, and you can replace those photos with yours.
BBQ Menu Templates
Barbecue, bbq, is another delicious food that brings ultimate delicacy. The meat load up on a grill starts spreading delicious aroma that entice your appetite. When the bbq is ready, it is served with other side food like French fries, and vegetables in form of salad dish.
When you have a bbq restaurant, you will need to present the bbq menu in a dark themed menu page. Why? This is because bbq is strongly related to burning coal and woods, and the color mostly powerful enough to reveal the tasty bbq is black.
As a result, the bbq menu templates that we provide here are dark, or more specifically black. Some other color variants suitable for presenting bbq menu are brown, red, yellow, and orange. It is because those colors are related to the ingredients and other requirements to provide bbq.
Here are the reasons. The color of black represents the color of burned wood and coals. The grill that has been used to grill the bbq meet for so many times often look dark and black. The color of brown is related to the fact that usually, cooked bbq meet tend to have combination of red and brown.
In addition, the color of orange and yellow are related to the use of mustard and cheese which are usually dominated by yellowish colors. Most bbq food is served with tomato sauce. Therefore, the color of red has a great representativeness when used to present bbq menu in a menu page. White color can also be used as the background color of a bbq menu template because the white color can bring high contrast to the colors in the bbq menu photo.

Burger Barbecue Menu Template
Grilled beef is usually found in a beef burger. If you are running a burger restaurant or burger truck, you can use this template to list all the food you serve.
This template comes with black background. Black is typically used as background in many beef based menu. The color of black emphasise the presentation of the burger.
If you decided to use this template, you would need to be patient because the size of this template is rather big. It takes time to download. I could have shortened it because the size is so big, but I put it here anyway in case there is somebody who like this template.

Barbeque Grill Menu
Barbecue party brings joy and togetherness among society. BBQ portrays the delicacy out of meat. I will always come when invited to a bbq party. The delicious grilled meat definitely cannot be missed. The thing is that bbq party does not come everyday while the lust for enjoying bbq food can appear at anytime.
The answer is to go a bbq restaurant. I can choose any bbq menu that I like, and I can order it immediately, and I can enjoy it soon. It is never enough for me to thank God how delicious bbq meat is.
If you are the one offering bbq food in your restaurant, you can use this template. This template comes with he photo of bbq meat and the grill. As a customer, I really love this presentation. Thus, I recommend you using this template.

Smokehouse BBQ Grill Menu
The sun shines brightly through out the day with the delicacy power of bbq food. This template brings that sprit into life.
The BBQ MENU text come with big and strong font. The BBQ is in red, and the MENU is in black. This combination is suitable with the background of singing light with orange and darker orange.
The text layout is centered. This focuses the main menu, the bbq.
Blank Menu Template
Blank menu template, for some users, are easier to edit because blank menu template does not distract the user to create and add design possibility to the the menu page template. It is natural and commonly happen that people tend to be influenced by what he/she sees.
Occasionally, and event frequently, someone ordinary or even a professional designer feels limited by the designs or template that they use to start with. They feel that their imagination and creativity are already trapped in a boundary. Hence, in certain circumstances, using blank menu template is the best way to create a food menu page.
IF you are that kind of person who does not want to limit his/her imagination, you can use our free printable blank menu templates. This is another collection of google docs menu template.

Simple Blank Menu Two Columns
Clean design with two basic colors black and white typically brings one important message the main purpose. Nonetheless, the fact cannot deny that some cafe owner doesn’t have enough funding to print colourful menu page with high quality paper. This type of cafe owner wants to focus on serving food and drinks.
However, using simple blank menu template does not always mean that the cafe owner does not have enough funding. This is because the owner loves simplicity. Besides, simple design also means elegance.

Blank Weekly Menu
This blank weekly menu template is actually not that blank. Initially, I was not sure about the naming of blank template because in fact, a template, cannot be blank. Thus I ask some of my friends to choose some of templates that are blank. I wanted them to categorise which one is which. Surprisingly, they put the black and white menu template into the blank category. That means, blank simply means black and white with more white space.
This blank weekly menu template can be made colourful. All you need to do is to add more colors, especially on each box. There are six boxes containing each food category.

Scratch Blank Black and White Menu
This is another black and white menu template categorised as blank. The menu template is surrounded with thick black border. The food types are arranged in four boxes.
You can follow the food clustering, like starters, main course, platter, and dessert. Of course your section does not have to be exactly the same.

Retro Clean Blank Menu
This blank menu template is named retro because the colors used resemble the retro style.
However, like any other blank menu template, this layout has more blank space.
The space between one text to another is not really tight. It allows the air to breathe through among the texts.
Cover Menu Restaurant
A big restaurant offering so many kinds of food tend to put the food in a menu book, not just a single page. Nevertheless, in fact, not only big restaurants do so, but also smaller restaurants or cafes offer a number of food and drinks variants. While it is always possible to list all the food in a single menu page, the photo in a dense single menu page is not preferable because the photo may not be that attractive when presented in a small size.
In a situation in which the food variants need to be presented in a big image, and in which the restaurants have a huge number of food and drinks, using menu book instead of a single menu page is a must. Furthermore, when using a menu book with some or even many pages, a cover menu is needed.
We have prepared some cover menu books that you can use in as the first impression of your menu book. Check them below:

Simple Cover Menu Template
The cover of a menu template is usually a page with full-page image of the main course, or at least the new one to offer. Based on my experience, the restaurant menu page would display the newest course. This is because they want to promote that new one, so the best place is on the cover.
Therefore, I would like to present you a cover menu template, with a big image in the middle of the page.
You can replace the text “buy now” with another, like “try now”, or “try me”. The text “try me” personifies the food as if the food talked to the customer.

Today Special Cover Menu
Similar to the previous one, this cover menu template focuses on the daily new menu. While I am not sure that many restaurant will print a new menu everyday just because they have new menu to offer, for a restaurant with enough resource, printing a new menu everyday is not impossible.
Want more like the google docs menu template? see other Free Google Docs Template
Teaching using Food Menu Template
Teachers can use Food Menu Template for teaching communicative skills such as writing and speaking. However, to make sure that the teaching strategy run well, a teacher needs to consider using teaching strategies lesson plan template.