Lesson plan templates for kindergarten. Teaching kindergarten students require specific preparation that is planned with care and full of responsibility. The young generation demand for high quality education that can shape their best future. Teachers at kindergarten level have obligation and duty to construct well preperard curriculum and teaching organisation in lesson plan. To make lesson plan specifically for kindergarten level, it is crucial to use some ready to to use templates. Here in this page you can find various lesson plan templates for kindergarten with from reputed educational institution. Using these templates, you can jump start your lesson planning work.
Lesson Plan Templates for Kindergarten from Various Sources:
- Kindergarten Lesson Plan Templates
- Lesson Plan Templates: Kindergarten Reading
- Kindergarten Lesson Plan Template
- Kindergarten Lesson Plan Format
- Kindergarten Weekly
- Kindergarten – Common Core
- Kindergarten Reading Lesson Plan Google Docs Template: Exam Schedule
- Science Lesson Plan For Kindergarten Google Docs Template
Kindergarten Lesson Plan Templates

This sample lesson plan is organised in a nice rigid table. It contains the objective, description, the reason for choosing, and the assessment. The sample of the objective is: Students will be able to produce a piece of procedural writing practicing using key vocabulary.
The sample description goes:
Language Arts – Reading – K.KI.S 2 – With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Language Arts – Reading – K.KI.S 1 – With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Language Arts – Writing – K.W.8 – With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
It also comes with CREDE standards;
JPA (Joint Productive Activity)
Teacher and students will create a procedural chart per group on their ideas of how to make “Jelly on Bread.”
LLD (Language & Literacy Development)
Teacher will focus on the key ideas of procedural writing. Key vocabulary focused on will be: procedure, direction, sequence of events, first, second, third and ingredients. Students will read and practice using these words when creating their own procedural writing on “Jelly on Bread.”
CTX (Contextualization)
CTX will occur during the IC and activity centers. In the IC, students have made “Jelly on Bread” in a previous lesson. They will be writing about their experience by writing the directions to help teach their families how to make it at home. During the Readers’ Response activity, center students will think about their favorite sandwich and explain why they like this sandwich.
COT (Complex thinking)
COT will occur during the IC, JPA, and activity centers. In the IC, students will be using sequence of event words to create the directions for others to learn how to make “jelly on Bread.” This will lead to the JPA, creation of a procedural chart of “jelly on Bread” to show their friends how they make “jelly on bread.” In the Writer’s Response, they will be writing and illustrating the steps of making “Jelly on Bread.”
IC (Instructional Conversation)
IC will occur during the students individual work period. Teacher will prompt students to use key vocabulary to create a JPA procedural chart illustrating the steps involved in making “jelly on Bread.”
Lesson Plan Templates: Kindergarten Reading

This lesson plan template begins with the teacher’s name, and the followed by common information like: grade level, that is for kindergarten, subject area, and content focus
The details of the content focus are:
Relevant state and National Content Standards Common Core Standards
Learners’ background students’ have learned to produce a rhyme for a given word. In this activity, the students segment multi-syllable words into syllable, isolate and try to pronounce the initial sounds of words that have beginning with some specific phonemes.
Student learning objective: it states that the students are expected to able to isolate initial sound of words beginning with a specific phoneme.
List of materials and teacher-made resources
Learning activities. This includes teaching and learning strategies with an anticipated timeline.
Evaluation of student learning
Modification for individuals who might need specific instruction
Teacher reflection
Supplemental information. In most cases, this is done only when needed.
Kindergarten Lesson Plan Template

This 5E specific lesson plan template is also organised for kindergarten level. It begins with the name of the teacher, the date, and the subject or level.
It states in brief about the materials. Furthermore, it comes with the NGSS. This example says: Use observation to describe patterns of what plants and animals need to survive.
Furthermore, the steps for the CCSS are:
With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book.
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them).
Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
At the bottom part, there are lesson objectives, differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs.
It is the followed by the common steps of 5E:
Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation, and Extension.
Kindergarten Lesson Plan Format

The Enhanced Scope and Sequence spoken language lesson plans from the Virginia Department of Education are expanded upon in the sample lesson plans provided in this publication. They contain TTAC differentiation recommendations.
This tool is designed to assist instructors in matching the curriculum in their classrooms to the material included in the English Standards of Learning. The example lessons offer a range of strategies to actively engage kids in their learning and are founded on reliable research. The lessons are meant to be used in addition to the teaching ideas provided in the Houghton Mifflin Teacher’s Edition.
Even while the model lessons are excellent, they in no way reflect the range of teaching that MCPS teachers are using in their classrooms.
The Lesson Procedure in this sample says:
- Both big and small group settings are suitable for delivering this lesson. Students should occupy the group area. Inform the pupils that the box contains objects gathered from the classroom that they will be using to play a game.
- Explain that while the other students are keeping their eyes closed, one student at a time will select an item from the box. The student who has the item must explain it so that others can determine its name.
- Act out the procedure. Give specific hints, such as the object’s form, color, and potential usage.
- Inquire of the pupils which hints they found useful and why.
- Request that each student select and describe an object from the box.
This lesson plan encourage teachers to use computer-generated images of items to convey descriptive words or phrases as prompts or signals. The object’s size, for instance, may be defined as huge or little, soft or hard.
This lesson plan encourages instructors to assign students a picture chart of the items used in the exploration box and to have them create a class-generated book utilizing images of the items and descriptive text. Families should receive the book to enjoy at home.
Kindergarten Weekly

This kindergarten weekly lesson plan template determines the following points:
What standards are being satisfied by this lesson’s instruction?
Supplies required – What equipment will you need to run the class?
(Written on board/projector) Do this now. What fast independent exercise will students complete as soon as they enter the classroom to review prior knowledge or get a sneak peek at what will be covered today? (5 min)
(Written on the board/projected) Today’s Goal What skill are you intending to teach, and by the conclusion of the lesson, what should the pupils be able to do to show what they have learned?
Why is it crucial for pupils to acquire this skill? Why is today’s lesson important?
the skill to be taught – How will you instruct pupils in this skill? What will the models and examples look like? How will you make sure that every student is engaged in the lesson?
What will practice look like when you allow the pupils to practice independently? What task will the pupils perform? Keep in mind that as the session progresses, you gradually give the pupils more responsibility. The day’s goal should eventually be practiced individually by the students. Before working independently, they could begin by working in pairs, groups, or with some supportive resources. (5-10 min)
Take Home/Homework: A task that pupils must complete at home. Optional: Request that the kids come back the following day with their transcripts.
Kindergarten – Common Core

This lesson plan template comes with elements:
Addressed are the Common Core or New York State Learning Standard(s):
What will the pupils know and be able to accomplish as a consequence of this lesson?
Why are the lessons learned from this lesson significant in the real world? Why are these results crucial for advancing learning? How does it relate to what we already know?
What types of tasks or activities will students complete? How will you utilize these educational opportunities—or the student work they produced—as chances for formative assessment?
Differentiation: How will you make sure that all kids can access and participate in this lesson as needed? Take into account the variety of the student body in all respects, and make a note of any standout kids.
What adjustments to the curriculum and/or accommodations will you make in the classroom to accommodate the students with disabilities in your class?
How will you bring your lesson to a close?
Successful Formative Assessment Criteria: How will you and your students be able to tell if the objectives have been met? What precise requirements must a product or process meet to be successful? What constitutes meeting the objectives of this lesson?
Would you like me to pay particular attention to anything during this lesson?
What books, online resources, and other materials will be used in this lesson?
Kindergarten Reading Lesson Plan Google Docs Template: Exam Schedule

My friend Gus designed this aesthetic Lesson Plan template. This template is available in Google Docs format. It is mainly for kindergarten reading activities.
Science Lesson Plan For Kindergarten Google Docs Template

This is another cute and lovely lesson plan template designed by my honourable friend Gus, a dedicated graphic designer. He created this lesson plan template for Science class, especially for kindergarten level. Thus, as you can see, there are beautiful and cute pets surrounding the page. The selected colors are carefully combined to create balanced coloring.