Invoice Template Word – FREE [MULTI PURPOSE]

Free Invoice Template Word [MULTI PURPOSE] came here to help you. When it comes to managing your finances smoothly, having the perfect invoice template word is key. Lucky for you, I’ve got a bunch of them available for free download.

If you need something blank to start from scratch, a sample to get inspired, or something legal to keep things official, I’ve got you covered. Plus, there are templates for specific industries like catering, construction, or auto repair, and even ones dedicated for self-employed folks and freelancers that you can tweak to fit your style.

Invoice templates make things super easy for businesses of all sizes. And for legal matters, law firms can rely on industry-standard invoice templates to keep things professional.

So, no matter what your company, business or profession, there’s a perfect invoice template in microsoft word waiting for you here. Let’s make invoicing a breeze together!

Blank Invoice Template Word Doc


This printable invoice can be used for issuing cleaning service charge.

Simple Invoice Template Word


Timeless Word

Professional Invoice Template Word

For professionals like consultants, plumbers, musicians, or photographers, having a standard invoice template is a game-changer. And hey, they’re all editable documents, so you can make them your own easily. Need to gather some sponsorship or donations? I’ve got printable invoice templates just for that.


Calculate Line

A rental invoice for a rental service typically includes the following information:

  • Rental Period: Clearly stated to avoid confusion about when rent is due.
  • Rental Amount: Clearly indicated to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Late Fee: Specified in case the tenant doesn’t pay on time.
  • Payment Method: Clearly outlined (cash, check, online).
  • Contact Information: Landlord’s name, address, and phone number for tenant inquiries.

Here is an example of what a rental invoice template might look like:

|                         RENTAL INVOICE                     |
| Property Address: 123 Main Street, Apt 1A                 |
| City, State, ZIP: City, ST 12345                           |
| Rental Period: January 1 - January 31, 2024               |
| Rent Amount: $1,000                                       |
| Late Fee (if applicable): $50                              |
| Payment Method: Cash/Check/Online                          |
| Contact Information:                                      |
| Landlord Name: John Doe                                   |
| Address: 456 Elm Street                                   |
| Phone Number: (123) 456-7890                              |


Red Design Invoice Template Word

A realistic example of a law firm invoice includes the specified sections:

Legal Services Information:

  • Detailed description of the legal services rendered
  • Billing period (e.g., January 1–February 28)


  • Itemization of any reimbursable expenses incurred for the client


  • Indication of any applicable taxes, such as sales tax or VAT

Total Amount Due:

  • Sum of all charges for the services provided plus any taxes

Late Payment Penalties (if applicable):

  • Clear statement of the penalty for delayed payments

Payment Instructions:

  • Methods of accepted payment (e.g., checks, credit cards, electronic transfer)
  • Due date for payment

Here is a sample excerpt from a law firm invoice:

|                         INVOICE                            |
|                   ABC LAW FIRM                             |
|                   123 Main Street, Suite 456               |
|                     City, ST ZIP Code 12345                |
|                      Phone: (123) 456-7890                |
|                       Email: [email protected]              |
|                        Invoice #: 12345                    |
|                          DATE: March 1, 2024                |
| LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDED                                    |
| Service                                                   | Qty | Hourly Rate | Total |
| Preparation of contract                                   | 10  | $250        | $2,500|
| Review of lease agreement                                 | 5   | $300        | $1,500|
| Consultation regarding employment dispute                  | 1   | $400        | $400  |
| SUBTOTAL                                                  |     |             | $4,400|
| APPLICABLE TAXES (Sales Tax @ 7%)                         |     |             | $318  |
| GRAND TOTAL                                               |     |             | $4,718|
| LATE PAYMENT PENALTY                                      |     |             | $100  |
| PAYMENT IS DUE BY MARCH 31, 2024                          |     |             |       |
| ACCEPTED FORMS OF PAYMENT: Check, Credit Card, Electronic Transfer |

Generic or Standard Invoice Template Word

Catering Invoice Template Word

with Billing statement

A catering invoice typically includes the following key components:

  1. Client Contact Information: Includes the client’s name, address, phone number, and email for reference.
  2. Company Contact Information: Details about the catering business, including name, address, phone number, and email.
  3. Event Details: Information about the event being catered, such as type of event, date, time, location, and any specific instructions.
  4. Ordered Services: A breakdown of services provided, including menu items, quantities, unit prices, and subtotals.
  5. Payment Terms: Clearly outlined payment terms, including due date and accepted payment methods.
  6. Terms and Conditions: Information on liability insurance, guest count changes deadline, deposit amounts, cancellation policy, and refund policy.

Here is an example of a catering invoice template:

|                         CATERING INVOICE                   |
| Client Name: John Smith                                   |
| Client Address: 123 Main Street, City                     |
| Phone Number: (123) 456-7890                              |
| Email: [email protected]                                   |
| Invoice Date: February 27, 2024                           |
| Invoice Number: CI-12345                                  |
| Event Details:                                            |
| Event Type: Wedding                                       |
| Date: March 15, 2024                                      |
| Time: 6:00 PM                                             |
| Location: XYZ Venue                                       |
| Ordered Services:                                         |
| Item            | Quantity | Unit Price | Subtotal         |
| Appetizers      | 100      | $2.50      | $250             |
| Main Course     | 50       | $5.00      | $250             |
| Dessert         | 75       | $3.00      | $225             |
| Subtotal: $725                                           |
| Tax (7%): $50                                            |
| Total Amount Due: $775                                   |
| Payment Terms: Payment due within 30 days                 |
| Accepted Payment Methods: Cash, Check, Online Payment     |

Commercial Invoice Template Word

Company Logo

Freelancers in writing or design? You’ll love the hourly billing templates to track your time and earnings. And for contractors, electricians, mechanics, or handymen, there are templates designed specifically for your line of work.

Self Employed

This can even be used for purchase or buy transaction.

with hours and Rate

When self-employed individuals prepare invoices, they should consider including the following information:

  • Business Identification: Name, address, contact information, and registration number (if applicable).
  • Customer Information: Name, address, and contact information.
  • Invoice Number: Sequential and unique identifier for tracking purposes.
  • Date of Invoice: Issue date of the invoice.
  • Due Date: Date by which payment must be received.
  • Services/Products Offered: Brief descriptions of the goods or services provided.
  • Quantities & Prices: List of units, rates, and totals for each item.
  • Subtotal: Combined cost of all goods or services offered.
  • Discounts (optional): Any promotions or special pricing applied.
  • Taxes (if applicable): Breakdown of taxes charged, including rate and amount.
  • Grand Total: Final sum owed by the customer.
  • Payment Options: Accepted forms of payment, such as cash, check, credit card, or bank transfer.
  • Notice: Additional notes, such as late fees, return policies, or preferred payment methods.
  • Signature Line: Space for the sender to affix their signature upon mailing the physical invoice

It is recommended to use a self-employed invoice template to maintain consistency and accuracy in invoice creation. Additionally, utilizing an invoice generator or online invoice platform can further enhance efficiency and professionalism.

|                         INVOICE                            |
| Self Employed Business: Jane Doe Designs                  |
| Address: 123 Main St, City, ST 12345                     |
| Phone: (123) 456-7890                                     |
| Email: [email protected]                            |
| Invoice No.: JDD-INV-0001                                 |
| Invoice Date: Feb 27, 2024                                |
| RECIPIENT INFO                                            |
| Recipient Name: Acme Company                              |
| Recipient Address: 456 Elm St, City, ST 12345             |
| Recipient Phone: (123) 456-7891                           |
| Recipient Email: [email protected]                     |
| PRODUCTS AND SERVICES                                     |
| Item                                                      | Qty | Rate ($) | Total ($)|
| Logo design                                               | 1   | 150      | 150     |
| Website content writing                                   | 5   | 50       | 250     |
| Social media management                                   | 3   | 100      | 300     |
| SUBTOTAL                                                  |     |          | 700     |
| DISCOUNT (10%)                                            |     |          | (-70)   |
|-----------------------------------------------------------|     |          | 630     |
| TAX (7%)                                                  |     |          | 44.1    |
|-----------------------------------------------------------|     |          | 674.1   |
| GRAND TOTAL                                               |     |          | 674.1   |
|-----------------------------------------------------------|     |          |         |
| PAYMENT OPTIONS: Cash, Check, Bank Transfer               |
| NOTICE: 10% discount applies if paid within 7 days       |
| Signature line: ______________________________            |

Simple Invoice Template Word

Construction and Contractor

construction Invoice Template Word

Basic Invoice Template Word

In the medical field? No problem! There are specialized invoice templates for doctors and dentists too. And for landlords or property managers handling rentals, there are rental invoice templates to keep everything in order. Even businesses offering cleaning services or lawn care can find templates tailored just for them.

Moving and Cleaning

Light Blue Invoice Template Microsoft Word

Sample Content of Moving Service Invoice:

|                         MOVING SERVICE INVOICE              |
| Moving Company: Your Company Name                           |
| Address: Your Address                                       |
| Phone: Your Phone Number                                    |
| Email: Your Email                                           |
| Invoice No.: MC-INV-0001                                    |
| Invoice Date: February 27, 2024                             |
| CUSTOMER INFORMATION                                        |
| Customer Name: Customer's Name                              |
| Customer Address: Customer's Address                        |
| Phone: Customer's Phone Number                              |
| Email: Customer's Email                                     |
| SERVICES RENDERED                                           |
| Item                                                      | Qty | Rate ($) | Total ($)|
| Packing Services                                          | 1   | 100      | 100     |
| Loading and Unloading                                     | 1   | 150      | 150     |
| Transportation                                            | 1   | 200      | 200     |
| SUBTOTAL                                                  |     |          | 450     |
| TAX (7%)                                                  |     |          | 31.5    |
|-----------------------------------------------------------|     |          | 481.5   |
| GRAND TOTAL                                               |     |          | 481.5   |
| PAYMENT TERMS: Payment due within 30 days                   |


Purchased Goods Simple on Word

Sample of Consulting Invoice

|                         CONSULTING INVOICE                  |
| Company: Your Consulting Firm                               |
| Address: Your Address                                       |
| Phone: Your Phone Number                                    |
| Email: Your Email                                           |
| Invoice No.: CONS-INV-0001                                  |
| Invoice Date: February 27, 2024                             |
| Client Information                                           |
| Client Name: Client's Name                                  |
| Client Address: Client's Address                            |
| Phone: Client's Phone Number                                |
| Email: Client's Email                                       |
| SERVICES RENDERED                                           |
| Description of Service       | Rate ($) | Hours | Total ($)  |
| Strategic Planning           | $150     | 5     | $750       |
| Market Research              | $100     | 3     | $300       |
| Business Analysis            | $200     | 4     | $800       |
| SUBTOTAL                                                    |          |       | $1850     |
| TAX (7%)                                                    |          |       | $129.50   |
| TOTAL AMOUNT DUE                                            |          |       | $1979.50  |
| PAYMENT TERMS: Payment due within 30 days                   |

Plumber, Musician

Green Memo Sales Tax on Word

Sample of Plumber Invoice:

|                         PLUMBING INVOICE                    |
| Plumbing Company: Your Plumbing LLC                        |
| Address: Your Address                                       |
| Phone: Your Phone Number                                    |
| Email: Your Email                                           |
| Invoice No.: PLM-INV-0001                                   |
| Invoice Date: February 27, 2024                             |
| CLIENT INFORMATION                                          |
| Client Name: Client's Name                                  |
| Client Address: Client's Address                            |
| Phone: Client's Phone Number                                |
| Email: Client's Email                                       |
| SERVICES RENDERED                                           |
| Description of Service       | Rate ($) | Quantity | Total ($)  |
| Drain Snake Service          | $100     | 1        | $100       |
| Leak Repair                  | $150     | 2        | $300       |
| Sewage Backup Cleanup        | $200     | 1        | $200       |
| SUBTOTAL                                                    |          |          | $600      |
| Tax (7%)                                                    |          |          | $42       |
| TOTAL AMOUNT DUE                                            |          |          | $642      |
| PAYMENT TERMS: Payment due within 30 days                   |

Auto Repair Service

Service Quote Free Editable


Sample of Auto Repair Service Invoice data:

|                         AUTO REPAIR INVOICE                 |
| Auto Repair Shop: Your Auto Repair Shop                      |
| Address: Your Address                                       |
| Phone: Your Phone Number                                    |
| Email: Your Email                                           |
| Invoice No.: AR-INV-0001                                    |
| Invoice Date: February 27, 2024                             |
| CLIENT INFORMATION                                          |
| Client Name: Client's Name                                  |
| Client Address: Client's Address                            |
| Phone: Client's Phone Number                                |
| Email: Client's Email                                       |
| SERVICES RENDERED                                           |
| Description of Service       | Rate ($) | Quantity | Total ($)  |
| Engine Tune-Up               | $150     | 1        | $150       |
| Brake Pad Replacement        | $200     | 2        | $400       |
| Oil Change                   | $50      | 1        | $50        |
| SUBTOTAL                                                    |          |          | $600      |
| Tax (7%)                                                    |          |          | $42       |
| TOTAL AMOUNT DUE                                            |          |          | $642      |
| PAYMENT TERMS: Payment due within 30 days                   |

Sample Invoice Template Word

Donation and Sponsorship

Packing Slip Colorful Table
Aliv Faizal M
Aliv Faizal M

I am a teacher who loves to use technology. I like to design templates in Google Docs, Google Slides, Powerpoint, Word, CorelDraw, etc.

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